Battery foil

Battery foil

Rechargeable Li-ion batteries are one of the main and most important parts of electric vehicles and consumer electronics. 

Our focus on R&D enables us to constantly evolve our battery foil in a way that maximizes not only the performance of the battery itself, but also the productivity of the coating lines of our customers. 

Our aluminium foil for battery pouches guarantees absolute barrier conditions and high formability properties for deep drawing.

Main properties

  • Foil for Rechargeable Battery Cells
    Excellent flatness
    Dry surface
    Thermal resistance during processing
    High strength
    High elasticity

    Foil for Battery Pouch
    High formability
    Total pinhole control
    Excellent flatness

Technical characteristics

Foil for Rechargeable Battery Cells
Foil for Battery Pouch
Alloy 1100 / 1235 8021
Temper H18 / H19 -0-
Coil inner diameter 150 / 152mm 150 / 152mm
Thickness range 0.011 - 0.020mm 0.035 - 0.040mm
Widths 250 - 1,600mm 250 - 2,040mm


Li-ion batteries